Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hourglass by Claudia Gray

After escaping from Evernight Academy, the vampire boarding school, Bianca and Lucas seek refuge with Black Cross, the elite group of vampire hunters led by Lucas’s stepfather. When Bianca’s close friend—the vampire Balthazar—is captured by Black Cross, Bianca knows she has to do whatever it takes to save him. But at what cost?

Hourglass, the third book in this gripping vampire series by the author of the New York Times bestseller Stargazer, has all the romance, suspense, and page-turning drama that have made Claudia Gray’s books runaway successes.

Hourglass continues the excitment of the Evernight Series in this action packed book. I do have to say that I was a bit disappointed in this book. I had high expectations for this one. Evernight was amazing, and Stargazer blew my mind, but I found Hourglass fell short. I was hoping for something that would throw me off my seat or keep me reading into the wee hours of the night, but I kept on putting this book down.

The characters were still the same and Lucas was just wanting Bianca for more lust and he was getting  bit annoying. I still enjoyed Balthazar in the book. He hadn't changed and neither had Vic. But now Bianca and the wraiths do come face to face and the most heart breaking thing happens in the book. But Gray knows not to stop there. She gets your hopes back up and ends the entire book in a huge cliffhanger! Now I'm dying to read the forth book.

The cover again was the same as the others, but now I'm eager to see what color AFTERLIFE will be!

Overall, if you're a fan of the series, read this one. It may be boring sometimes, it's still a great book.


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