Saturday, April 14, 2012

Fallen in Love by Lauren Kate

Publisher: Delacorte Press
Age Group: YA
Source: Publisher

Unexpected. Unrequited. Forbidden. Eternal. Everyone has their own love story.

And in a twist of fate, four extraordinary love stories combine over the course of a romantic Valentine's Day in Medieval England. Miles and Shelby find love where they
least expect it. Roland learns a painful lesson about finding-and losing love. Arianne pays the price for a love so fierce it burns. And for the first -and last- time, Daniel and Luce
will spend a night together like none other.

When I first received the book, I didn't know if it went with the series or not. I know RAPTURE was the final book and then relaized FALLEN IN LOVE is book 3.5. I know waiting for RAPTURE is making me become more desperate everyday. Having FALLEN IN LOVE to read, gives everyone who has loved the FALLEN series something to read until the final book comes out.

The whole book has different stories from all our favorite characters and the first tiem they fell in love. With all honesty, my favorite was Luce and Daniel's story. I guess it's because I've loved both of them so much this whole time reading the series, that I never could wait until the next book came so I could find out what was going to happen to them. Plus, I really wanted to know more of their background and this book gives it.

The cover was again amazing and I've really loved the covers for this entire series throughout. But because the book was so small, it left me for more and once I was done, I knew I needed RAPTURE right away, but the good news is that it's almost out and we can read the finale.

If you can't wait any longer for the last book to be published, I recommned reading this because you get to go through everything with your favorite characters and hopefully it's a good filler for the in between time.

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